mini fics

Dreams   By: Christy, Kay, Mandy

Lorelai tells Luke about her dream of having twins with him.

Lorelai walked into Luke's as he was closing up.

"Hey." He said, looking up at her.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Of course. Something wrong?"

"Not really. It's just, I want to tell you something."


"I've been... having these dreams... about you."

"You know, that's funny. I've been having dreams about you too."

Lorelai looked at him in shock. Was he saying what she thought he was? "I.. what? You have?"

Luke nodded. "Oh yeah. I mean, it isn't enough that you come in the diner everyday begging."

"It isn't?" She was still looking at him in confusion, but that didn't stop her pulse from racing a little quicker.

"Now I'm having nightmares. You just burst in the middle of my dreams demanding coffee."

Lorelai's pulse rate slowed. Great, he was having nightmares of her demanding coffee, but she was having dreams of kissing him and having his twins.
"I'm deeply offended," she retorted.
He laughed. "I was only kidding. I'm not having nightmares about you." What the hell is she dreaming about me for? I hope that my role in these dreams aren't just serving her coffee. Oh, now, I really need to get out of the gutter.
"Well...good!" Not good. Now I feel stupid. I'm having dreams about Luke! And he's not having dreams about me! What warped universe am I living in where I'm dreaming about Luke? Actually, I remember the kissing was pretty nice....
Luke saw her nervousness and decided to just get it out of her. "Lorelai." She snapped her head up.
"These...dreams. Are they about me serving you coffee, and you being your insane self?"
"Not exactly. And I'll take the insane comment as a compliment."
"Well, then what are they about?" He saw her bite her lip, something she only did when she was nervous. He wondered for the billionth time why the hell she was so afraid to tell him what the dreams were about. "Look, if you're going to be this-"
"I was having your twins and we were kissing in my kitchen, and then there was something about Q tips and Connie Chung, and then you tickled my stomach and talked to it and then there was something said about two heads." She took a breath. "And that's it."

Luke stared at her. He'd barely understood what she'd said, because it had come out of her mouth about ten times the normal rate- which was a lot, because she talked twice as fast as normal people. "Why would I talk to your stomach?" Luke asked blankly.

Lorelai fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Because... I'm pregnant."

Luke almost jumped in the air. "You're what?!"

"In my dream. I'm pregnant, in my dream.. with twins, thus the whole two headed thing," she explained. God. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut?

A dream. She wasn't really... wait, did she say something about kissing him? She was dreaming about kissing him?? That had to be good, right? Unless, she didn't want to be kissing him. What if he was a bad dream kisser? "Oh."

"Oh?" Lorelai waited expectantly. She just told him she was dreaming about kissing him and having his babies, which meant they'd have had sex- if it was anything like the kiss, amazing sex- and all he could say was oh? Great. Now she was standing in front of Luke, thinking about sex. Luke, for God's sake! He probably hadn't even ever *had* sex.

Or maybe he had. Maybe Rachel was his first. Maybe they did it in a barn, like on that soap opera the other day. Ooh, or in an elevator, now that would be really cool. Wait. Why am I thinking about where Luke lost his virginity? Why am I even thinking about Luke and sex at all?
"Uh, that's...uh, we were married?" He gulped. Having twins with Lorelai. Thus meaning they had sex. Thus meaning Lorelai had a dream that they had sex, technically. Except the sex part wasn't shown. Well, maybe it was, but she was leaving it out. Wait, why would she leave that out? Maybe he was really bad? No, Rachel had been pretty pleased that night. Stop! Stop thinking about sex with Lorelai and Rachel! Wow. Sex with Lorelai and Rachel? He smiled in spite of himself. Threesomes had never been his thing. That's disgusting, stop thinking that! You're a very perverted man!
"Um, I don't know if we were married or not. All I know is that I was pregnant with twins. And that, we, uh, kissed. A couple times."

Luke stared at his shoes for a second. Because it kept him from staring at other things.

Yes! Lorelai's mind was screaming. Yes, we kissed, more than once, and the having kids part meant that at some point in time we had sex. "Well," she said as nonchalantly as possible. "Now that we've got that out of the way."

Luke couldn't believe they were standing in a diner next to a basket of onion rings, talking about sex. Okay so technically they weren't talking about sex, but... they kind of were, right? "You, uh... you said dreams. In the plural form."

"...I did?" Lorelai asked. Damn it.

"Um, yeah, you did. Unless I heard wrong. Which I rarely ever do."
"Right. I did say dreams. As in plural. Meaning more than one. Yes. Right."
Babbling, great. "Well, uh, have they all been the same dream?"
"Pretty much."
That's gotta mean something if she's repeatedly having dreams about having twins with me and kissing me. Ha, I had sex with Lorelai Gilmore! In her dreams, of course, but still. I had DreamSex with Lorelai Gilmore! Wow, the little voice inside my head needs to take some Ritalin. "Wow. Um, I don't really know, uh, well, why did you tell me this?"

"You know how it is. You have a dream about someone, and then whenever you're around them you feel like they somehow magically know, and you feel all awkward, so I'm telling you so I can stop feeling so damn weird about it!" *And so I can quit thinking about sex. With you. My God, I'm never going to be able to sit at this counter again.*

"Oh...kay," Luke said. "Well now you can stop feeling weird about it."

"See, that's the problem," she continued to ramble. "Now I feel even weirder. I mean, you can't possibly feel as weird as I do because it's like I kissed you, only you weren't there. I mean, God. It totally figures that I have the most amazing kiss of my entire life and it wasn't real-" *Did I just say that?*

Damnit. I'm the biggest idiot in the world.
Luke tried hard to keep the grin from curling up on his lips. It was funny, because he hardly ever smiled. Let alone grinned, for god's sakes. He was grinning, like a total idiot.
"The most amazing kiss of your entire life?" he repeated.
She blushed profusely. Sh*t. He's going to drag this out for an eternity and tease me forever about this, isn't he?
"Um, well, was good, you know, like, very full. Very, um, tonguey. No, I mean, that's not what-see, it was, like, our mouths were perfectly aligned. Well, not that I'm sitting here thinking about how our mouths were, I mean, I haven't been thinking about this kiss like, 24/7, or something."
Luke's grin was threatening to take over his entire face. She was flustered. Lorelai Gilmore hardly ever got flustered. He liked it. It was highly amusing.

"Oh, stop it," Lorelai said.

"Stop what?"

"Standing there all... smug, and manly."

He was still amused. "I'm standing manly?" She thinks I'm manly? What the hell does that mean?

Stupid. Stupid, stupid. She couldn't think of another word to use right now. "I meant it's man like for you to stand there and be proud of a kiss that you didn't even... that you weren't... a part of. In reality. Yes, it was a nice kiss, but you weren't there so you don't have rights until you are. Not that you're going to be, I didn't-" Best to stop now. Before she did any further damage.

Well, well. Luke was pretty damn sure this was the best moment of his life. "Uh-huh."

Lorelai wanted to bang her head on the counter. Would dying in a diner really be a bad way to go? Yes, her mind responded. Because then she wouldn't ever have a real Luke kiss. Not that she wanted one. Oh, who the hell was she kidding?

This is the most embarrassed I've ever been in a long time. Wow. Thank god Patty's not in the vicinity right now.
"What was that little uh huh?"
"What are you talking about? All I said was uh huh."
"Exactly. It was said in that smug tone. Look, I had a dream where we kissed. Ok, it's really not that big of a deal. I mean, it would be totally different if we were making out for real, like here on the count-" She mentally kicked herself. You're the biggest moron ever. Why do you say things you know are stupid and will only lead to further embarrassment?
Making out? Here? On the counter? I'd definitely have to spray some Lysol on it after, but I really couldn't give a crap if I had to buy a whole new counter altogether.
"Right," he replied slowly, watching her with a fixed gaze.
Lorelai's tongue got carried away. "I mean, not like you're really as good of a kisser as you were in my dream, because, well, I would't actually know that. Not that I would want to find out or something, well, you know, uh...right."
Luke wished he had a tape recorder with him. It could prove to be very entertaining if he was bored.
"Yeah, because you obviously don't know what kind of a kisser I am."
"Right. You could be the worst possible kisser ever, really sloppy and everything, or, you know, absolutely amazing, so amazing that I'd want to never stop. And, um....yes." And I've officially gone way too far.

Was he hearing this right? They were seriously standing there talking about what kind of kisser he was. "You know, maybe you aren't a good kisser either," he reasoned. This watching Lorelai freak out, it was kinda fun.

"What?" Lorelai immediately responded. "Why would you say such a thing?" Luke thought she would be a bad kisser? "I'm not a bad kisser," she told him. Why she told him, she didn't exactly know. "I mean, I don't slobber or.. you know, get my tongue stuck."

"I, uh.. okay." How was he supposed to respond to that?

"I mean, you can even ask Max, or Chris, or that guy I dated from business class." She paused. "Second thought, don't ask him."
"Yeah, he probably didn't know how to do it, anyway."
"You are so not amusing me right now. And really, I'm very hurt that you would say I was a bad kisser."
"Ok, I didn't say you were a bad kisser, I said maybe you are. I obviously wouldn't know the truth."
"Obviously. Well, just so you know, I've been told I'm a very good kisser."
Luke snorted. "Oh, yeah? By who?"
"Guys." She gave him a "duh" look.
"Well, uh, just so you know, I've been told I'm a very good kisser, too."

"By girls. Not guys." Luke felt he ought to clarify that.

"Good to know," Lorelai replied. And found herself wondering just how many girls Luke *had* kissed. Not a lot, right? God, she was being so silly. What difference did it make? It's not like he was kissing *her*.

"Did you really make out with that kid from your business class?"

"I did not 'make out' with him. It was one small, tiny kiss."

"Probably his first one."

"Enough with the younger man jokes! For the last time, he wasn't that much younger than I was!"
"Certainly looked it. South Park shirt and baseball hat."
"You wear a baseball hat."
"Yes, but not cartoon shirts."
"Oh, and flannel is so much better."
"It's more mature."
"God, you probably wear flannel boxers, too!" she groaned. And suddenly got an intense urge to find out for herself.
Luke blushed. How did she know that?
"That's personal."
"Ah, so you're a boxers guy?"
"We are not discussing my choice of underwear. Do you see me asking you questions about yours?"
"What is there to ask? Panties, thongs, or nothing. That's basically it. And since I'm not stupid enough to wear no underwear, and I'm trying to be comfortable, so I wouldn't wear thongs, the answer is obvious." Wow. Did I just tell Luke about my underwear? Well, at least he doesn't know I'm wearing a thong right now. Why am I wearing a thong, anyway?
Geez. She just told me about her underwear. Lorelai in a thong. That's an image that's not going to be erased from my mind anytime soon.
"Ok, well, thanks for sharing."
"Yes, well, you're welcome."

"Although I do recall a time when you weren't."
"Weren't what?"

"Wearing uh... you know. Because you hadn't done the laundry or something," he muttered.

"Oh." Right, because he told her not to sit on a cold bench. "Well just the one time."

"Can I get you some coffee?" Luke asked, desperate to steer away from God knows what else this conversation might bring up.

"So you're okay with this whole dream sex thing?" Oh, My God. Oh, my God. "Kissing! Kissing thing. I just meant that you know, since I was pregnant we' would have to.. at some point.. not that I had a, you know. A dream like that. Ever."

"Right, I mean, neither have I, you know, had a dream like that."
"Well, that's uh, that's good to know."
"Um, to answer your question about the uh, dream sex, I mean dream kiss." This is incredibly awkward.
"I mean, it's not like I could do anything about it if you weren't ok with it, anyway. Not like I can go back in time and stop myself from dreaming that." And I wouldn't want to. "And plus, why wouldn't you be ok with it? It was just a dream, we didn't actually kiss." Unfortunately. Wow, I've never realized how nice his mouth is before. She glanced down at his hands, which were pressed on the counter. Such big, strong hands. She licked her lips. Mmm. Ok, this is just weird, now. Looking at Luke's hands is turning me on.

Luke was getting a little freaked out now. It had been fun seeing her get all flipped out, but this- this was just damn uncomfortable and not fun. "Okay."
"I'm sure it would be, you know. Nice." Lorelai said. If only her mouth had an off switch. "The kiss that is.

"What would you do if it was real?" Lorelai asked and mentally slapped herself. Oh My God! Why did I say that?

"What?" Luke asked, startled.

"Well, I mean, would you be comfortable with it? You and me, together I mean." Oh My God! Why do I keep doing this?

"Yeah, I'm sure it would be." Is it just me, or is she moving closer to me?
Oh my god, I think we're about to kiss. "Yeah."
She stopped just a few inches away from him, and he stepped in to close the rest of the space. Lorelai's breath caught in her throat. She hadn't realized until now how much she wanted to kiss him. How much she wanted him.
Luke's hands were clammy, and he was almost positive he was dreaming all of this. He discreetly pinched himself, just to make sure. The sharp pain that followed was a clear indication that this was the real thing.
He leaned forward, and so did she. Their eyes closed just as their lips met, in perfect symmetry. Lorelai moaned against his mouth. This was so much better than the dream kiss was. This was the real thing.
Luke's hands slid up her waist, feeling her, caressing her. This was a moment he wanted never to end. Her lips on his, it was perfect, magical.
And then, surprising both Luke and herself, Lorelai slipped her tongue into his mouth. His sharp intake of breath gave her goosebumps. She had caused that.
Electricity was flowing through every part of their bodies. When Luke had said he was a good kisser, that was most definitely the understatement of the year. Lorelai didn't think she'd ever had a kiss this amazing. It was hot, passionate, and gentle at the same time.
As Lorelai's hands slid under his shirt, Luke pulled apart.
They stared at each other. There were no words spoken, as their eyes remained locked, their gaze never shifting from each other.
When they had caught their breaths, Lorelai smiled shyly.
"Wow. You kiss way better than DreamLuke."
He grinned, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "Thanks. Um, you, uh, wow."
"Thank god no one's here right now..." she trailed off.
"Yeah, that would have been pretty embarrassing."
"Oh, I think they would have been entertained."
"Probably," he laughed.
Lorelai touched her finger to his lips and began to rub gently. "My lipstick," she explained. He moved her hand away and held it.
"Leave it."
A small chill went through Lorelai's body.
"There's another reason why it's good no one's here right now," she smirked.
"Oh? And what would that be?"
"We can do it again."
Lorelai led him to the back and pressed her lips against his. Within the first few seconds, it was already more passionate than the first kiss was. Before things got any farther, Lorelai pulled apart and smiled.
"I'm glad I told you about my dreams."
"So am I. Hey, did you tell me the whole truth about your dreams?"
"Well, yes. We didn't have sex in any of them. Unfortunately," she added.
Luke blushed. "Ok, well, I was just wondering."
"You know," she whispered huskily, "I don't think I'll be having those dreams anymore."
"Oh? Why not?"
"Cause I've got the real thing right here." She pressed her lips against his and kicked the door shut behind her.